getting bigger

getting bigger

Just about every new business has dreams of growing and making it into the “big time”. Yet, after an initial period of growth, many businesses require a different strategy. Startups are not miniature versions of big businesses. The strategies, tactics, and...
what is your why?

what is your why?

Simon Sinek has taught every entrepreneur to “look for your why”: great advice indeed! But to truly understand the power of why consider the story of Henri Matisse. In the last decade and a half of his life, the great artist Henri Matisse was diagnosed...
it’s not the failing, it’s the learning

it’s not the failing, it’s the learning

This is one of my favorite business lessons. Told well by Peter Greulich. IBM had survived The Great Depression. Gambling on a post-war boom, Watson Sr. had maintained IBM’s employment levels by increasing inventories when there was little demand. Excess machinery and...
the truth about experts

the truth about experts

Have you ever been watching a basketball or a football game, or maybe you were in the room but not watching, and as soon as the game starts, everyone becomes a critic and an expert? Of course, you and I know better. It’s like this in business too. Don’t believe...
Indianapolis Lemonade Day 2017

Indianapolis Lemonade Day 2017

Lemonade Day Indianapolis is May 20, 2017. If you have or care about children and their futures, here is what you need to do: Watch this video – comment and share Learn more about  Lemonade Day Indianapolis  or other Lemonade Days GET...

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