Delegation: The Art of Accountability without Blame

Delegation: The Art of Accountability without Blame

One of the greatest challenges for any entrepreneur is delegation: giving responsibility for some key part of growing the business to someone else. The analogy is hackneyed, but accurate: we think of our businesses as our children, and no one can take care of our...
Own the grape: What kind of entrepreneur are you?

Own the grape: What kind of entrepreneur are you?

Have you noticed that the way we refer to ourselves in the workplace changes as frequently as any other fashion? In the 1990’s, ambitious professionals referred to themselves as “consultants”. As we moved into the 21st century, “business coach” emerged as the next...
Maintaining a Work-Life Blend

Maintaining a Work-Life Blend

Life and work should not be in constant competition for your time. Let me say that again: life and work should not be in constant competition for your time. The simplicity of this statement is unfortunately lost on most working Americans. The reality of our workforce...

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