It’s a model, not a recipe

It’s a model, not a recipe

We seem to get bored with lessons LONG before we learn them. We know we need to pay attention to markets, suppliers, and employees. We know that scale is not the same as growth. We know about process, quality, and culture. Yet we keep thinking that understanding is...
The new employment

The new employment

Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash Success is the ability to commit to a path in an atmosphere of incomplete, inaccurate, and often contradictory information. There are few places with more conflicting information that the modern world of employment....
It’s lonely at the top

It’s lonely at the top

Photo by Samuel Austin on Unsplash The high cost of loneliness Starting, scaling, and sustaining a business is hard: really hard. Some entrepreneurs are driven by the need to bring their vision into reality. Others find the allure of working without a...
What does it take to be truly healthy?

What does it take to be truly healthy?

Photo by Marion Michele on Unsplash We live in a time of increasing uncertainty. That can lead to increased stress and decreased health, which can lead to increased uncertainty … and the cycle continues. Here are some thoughts on breaking the...

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